Staking with the dApp
This guide will show you how to stake your MOC tokens on the platform.
Last updated
This guide will show you how to stake your MOC tokens on the platform.
Last updated
Go to the Stablecoin Protocol as usual
On the Home page, click on the MoC icon on the left menu or click the arrow button on the card at the right.
Una vez en la sección MoC, tienes varias tarjetas con información útil:
MoC Amount: tokens MoC disponibles en tu billetera.
MoC Liquidity Mining Program: donde puedes ver los tokens MoC disponibles para reclamar (Claim) y lo que la recompensa estimada para hoy.
Su dirección: que te permite recibir y enviar tokens MoC.
MoC Staking Rewards: donde puedes hacer stake, unstake y withdraw (retiro) de tus tokens MoC.
This last card is the one that helps you stake, unstake, and withdraw your MoC tokens, let's take a look.
There are three tabs: Stake - Unstake - Withdraw
Press the Stake tab so you can see the available amount of MoC tokens to Stake. You will also see your Staked tokens.
In MoC Tokens I want to stake enter the desired amount to stake and click on the Stake button.
Notice that below, clicking on Add total available, you have the possibility to stake the whole amount of MoC available in your wallet.
Staking MoC Tokens receive rewards from the MoC Staking Rewards Program. You will be able to unstake at any time with a release delay of 30 days (no rewards received during this period). After this period you will be able to "Withdraw".
Click on Confirm and your wallet will ask you to submit the transaction. Then you will see Operation details, click Close.
A list of Last Operations is shown below the MoC Section.
Press Unstake tab to see MoC tokens staked that are available to unstake.
In MoC Tokens I want to unstake enter the desired amount to unstake and click on the Unstake button.
Notice that below, clicking on Add total available, you have the possibility to unstake the whole amount of MoC available.
You will be able to unstake at any time with a release delay of 30 days (no rewards received during this period). After this period you will be able to "Withdraw".
Click on Confirm and your wallet will ask you to submit the transaction. Then you will see Operation details, click Close.
A list of Last Operations is shown below the MoC Section.
Your request to unstake MoC tokens will be displayed in the Withdraw tab for a period of 30 days. During this period you will be able to Restake them, and at the end, you can withdraw them.
Press Withdraw tab to see information about your unstaked MoC tokens.
In this tab you have the ability to Restake an Unstake request in process within the 30 days delay period.
After the delay period, you will be able to withdraw your MoC tokens clicking in the Withdraw button.
After the delay period, you will be able to withdraw your MoC tokens clicking in the Withdraw button.