Using the TestNet
Here you'll find the instructions on how to setup your wallet to use the Testnet.
To enter the Testnet, the steps are the same, except when configuring the wallet. In this video, you can find the instructions to configure Metamask. To get rBTC in the Testnet you can do it through the RSK Faucet.
Data for configuring the Metamask Wallet for Accessing MoneyOnChain on RSK Testnet:
-Network Name: RSK Testnet (or the name you prefer) -New RPC URL: -ChainID: 31 -Symbol: RBTC -Block Explorer URL:
Link to access the App in RSK Testnet: MOC Github
You have to look for the last prerelease and click on the URL to access.
Remember that you can contact us via Telegram if you have questions or comments.
* This document contains the instructions to access and use Money On Chain in the RSK Tesnet which is available at MOC Github, and/or on the Mainnet, which is available at
Please note that by accessing and using the Testnet or the Mainet, you accept the terms and conditions of the Money on Chain website (“Terms and Conditions”) and the Money On Chain Privacy Policies (“Privacy Policies”). You can get a copy at the following link: Legal disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions..
MOC may modify LDPPT&C on any time, and the most updated copy of them will be available on the above link. If you disagree with LDPPT&C, you mus not use the site.
Last updated