Mobile wallet

Mobile wallets you can use to access Money On Chain protocol.

The mobile wallet Defiant is ceasing activities from July 31st, 2024.

There are several options for accessing the Money On Chain protocol from a smartphone.

We will show you more details about the Rabby wallet, although the other options are installed and configured similarly.

Remember that you can always ask your questions in the community Telegram group.


Rabby is a wallet that you can use as an extension for Chrome, desktop, or mobile.

It has some improvements regarding the user experience compared to MetaMask and it is open source.

Rabby has integrated the Rootstock network and to use it with the dapp you must select Metamask in the login options.

Here is a video (in Spanish) showing Rabby from installation to use in the Money On Chain dapp:

To start the download go to their website and select the mobile option. If you do it from the PC, passing the mouse over the preferred option, it shows you the QR that you can scan with your smartphone to download.

Login to the wallet and it will give you several options to add an address (address or account).

For this section on mobile wallets we will discuss only the first 2. Although you can use Rabby to connect some hardware wallets, other mobile wallets like MetaMask or Trust, or other alternatives.

  • Create new address:

    • Add from Current Seed Phrase: in this option, you can add an account using the same seed phrase you already have, or should, written down on paper and in a safe place.

    • Create New Seed Phrase: gives you a new set of seed phrase words.

  • Import an address:

    • Import Seed Phrase: allows you to import an account that you already have using the seed phrase. Rabby may use another Derivation Path, so the imported address will be different from the one of the original wallet.

    • Import Private Key: this gives you the possibility to copy the private key from another wallet and import it into Rabby. This way you use the same Derivation Path and therefore you get the same address as in the original account.

The Import a Private Key option is the one to use if, for example, you have MOC tokens in stake.

Rabby integrates Rootstock so you will see your tokens on the main screen.

If you want to use the Money On Chain protocol you will have to do it through the integrated browser of the wallet by clicking on the Dapps button below.

Here you search for Money On Chain and it will appear on the screen, select and enter by clicking on the Metamask button as you would in a browser on your PC.

Then you use the dapp from your smartphone with your Rabby wallet.

An important consideration is that you must set the Gas Price to 0.065 and the Gas Limit to 900,000 at the time of the transaction so the contract has a better chance of being executed.

To do this, once you confirm the transaction, Rabby will ask you to sign it and will display the following screen with the transaction details.

Press Advanced Settings to change the Gas Limit to 900000 and confirm.

Immediately below, the Gas Price is displayed, press the drop-down button on the right select Custom and then enter 0.065 and confirm.

Then press and hold the Hold to Sign button. Your transaction will be processed.


Safepal is another multi-device wallet. You can use Safepal from your browser through the extension, with the mobile app, or with its hardware wallet.

Not only is it a wallet, but it has the possibility to exchange tokens between several networks.


UniFi is a different wallet. It is self-custodial but has the simplicity of logging in through a system called Auth0 which is the one you usually use to log in to other sites using your email account, facebook, reddit or Discord.

You can use it on PC with a web browser or with your smartphone as it fits the format and allows you to install it. It works only for Rootstock.

You can learn more about its use in the Unifi section under Wallet Web3.


The most well-known and used wallet by crypto users, you can use it as a browser extension and a mobile app.

By default the token is not configured, so we must add it manually, although particularly in this wallet the Rootstock network is not added either.


Exodus is a desktop wallet for various operating systems, web3 as a browser extension, and mobile for both Android and iOS. It has a simple design and user experience.


Beexo is a simple, multi-chain mobile wallet.


Wallby is a simple mobile wallet that allows the option to make swaps between tokens.

Remember, you need rBTC to be used as gas.

Last updated